
Reptile presents a quiet elegant chair that offers aesthetic with a contemporary and timeless design with retro lines. It is characterized by the original combination of upholstered and metallic elements and reflects the high profile atmosphere in executive spaces. It has been designed to be naturally integrated into offices, hotels, and residential settings.

Reptile was created by David Fox as a complete family of chairs from meeting chairs to High and Low backed lounge chairs. This retro designed armchair is the result of precision work to arouse the spirit of the past. Reptile family, low or high-back optioned armchairs offering aesthetic pleasure and extraordinary comfort by ideal posture support and is ideal for lounges.

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Contact Information

Monday – Friday: 11:00 – 19:00 ч.
Saturday: 11:00 – 15:00 ч.
Sunday: non working day

In relation with the sanitary alert, our showroom will work with shortened workign hours.