This family, consisting of Rebus designed by Favaretto & Partners and Fold designed by Studio Deberenn, combines dif ferent elements in harmony. Synergy that allows for dif ferent colors, fabrics and configurations inspires change. Rebus is a family of independent units characterised by soft, rounded forms. By combining the different elements together, you can create a sophisticated modular sofa as well. It contains three different modules; concave, straight and two seater.
With the help of the divider armrest offered, you can configurate your sofa best suits your place. The customisation options include fabric or leather upholstery and a chrome, standard RAL colors and brass/copper base. It comes with its cushions. Rebus offers variety of colors and fabric options to suit a wide range of interior styles.Its soft shape and sides inclined at forty-five degrees, allow you to create different configurations in waiting rooms, or lounge areas.